
Showing posts from August 18, 2024

A beautiful bifurcation

 The world of work is often viewed as a sterile pursuit of checklists, project plans, meetings, coding.. the whole grind, without many emotions or drama. Those last things belong in a movie or TV soaps that we watch after returning home from work . But work does have its moments, of inspiration, serendipity and clarity.. all dramatic enough to be put in a movie, which are the breadcrumbs that show us the way to our life's calling. One such moment happened to me in Bangalore early in my career, and made me decide to pursue control design as a career path. I wanted to pen this down for a long time.. but was not sure if I could share this publicly, despite it being of no commercial value. Since it has been almost 20 years since that incident, writing it down to share an oddly satisfying science discovery and its personal impact on me, without disclosing the business context around it. Hoping it spurs others to remember what drew them to their life's work, and for others who might