
Showing posts from June 4, 2006


Found this timepass code on net today! I am glad my trot-map is quite space filling, thanks to Indian Railways, and astute vacation instincts of my family :-) Far north, and north-east are still untouched :-( Brought to you by pratibha75 , quizling and teemus . Which states in India have you been to?

Magic of Ink sketching :-)

My first one :-) The lovely clay dear was made by Shankar, in UCSD crafts center. This one took an ink bottle (half of which got my carpet drunk, in one brush of impatience) and a wooden chopstick. So I would dip the stick into bottle, nip it again on both sides at the edge of bottle to drain the excess ink, and start dr..rr.. (oh.. that only went that far.), so dipping again.. d R R RRRR (damn! overdid this time.. blob of ink all over the deer nuzzle).. Patience.. ddrraawwiinngg.. (Completed it finally :-)


It seems only way to upload an image in your profile on blogger, is to create a post embedding it. So here it is :-)